What to Expect

A journey to learning about yourself and your child

  • Week 1: The Fairytale of Parenting

    Learning about the stories we hear about parenting, how they relate to us and what they mean about our reality vs expectations.

  • Week 2: Mapping Out Your Story

    What is Attachment? Finding out about the dance we learned in childhood, and how this continues to affect us now.

  • Week 3: Other Humans in Your Story

    Considering our partners, family and other people in our lives. How they influence our parenting and what we need from them.

  • Week 4: The Story Of Children

    A love story to children. Thinking about who they are and what they actually need from us.

  • Week 5: The Ending

    A chance to reflect on what has been learned, and where you want to go next.

Parent the child you have, as the person you are