This is for you if...

  • You're tired of your phone

    If you're sick of scrolling, but can't ever seem to shift the habit

  • You want more social less media

    If you don't like your relationship with social media and would like to reset how you use it

  • You want less screens in the family

    If you're not sure how to set screen time boundaries with yourself, your children or family

Course curriculum

    1. Let's Get Ready for a New Relationship with our Phones

    2. Pre-Course Survey: How do you feel now about Social Media?

    1. Day 1: Costs and Benefits of Social Media

    2. Day 2: You and Your Phone: A Toxic Relationship

    3. Day 3: A Midweek Pause

    4. Day 4: Gaining Control

    5. Day 5: Weekend Reflections

    1. Day 1: Another C - Compulsivity

    2. Day 2: Dopamine Days

    3. Day 3: Facing our Feelings

    4. Day 4: Reviewing Four Strategies

    5. Day 5: Weekend Reflections

    1. Day 1: Widening our Scope

    2. Day 2: Children are Digital Natives

    3. Day 3: What the Children Say

    4. Day 4: Contracting our Connection

    5. Day 5: Weekend Reflections

    1. Day 1: Time to Relax and Reflect

    2. Day 2: SMART not shame

    3. Day 3: What did we just do?

    4. Day 4: End of Month Reflections

    1. End of course: What have you learned?

    2. Post-Course Survey: How do you feel now?

About this course

  • £12.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content